Friday, January 8, 2016

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


I've played this in: Nothing, yet

This card is awesome. Sacrificing a creature isn't a big deal in EDH, and I'm surprised that a spell which brings back two creatures doesn't see more play. Maybe I just haven't played with enough different people, and this card is already a thing, but when I think about all the G/B graveyard decks out there, Victimize seems like it would fit right in. So, I'll certainly be picking up a copy and trying it out next time I bolster my EDH collection. I look forward to combining this with Eternal Witness, Anarchist, or Archaeomancer for many, many enter-the-battlefield effects.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fossil Find

I've played this in: Nothing (yet)

This is just a cool card. Reordering your graveyard almost never matters (only thing I can think of is Corpse Dance), and randomness isn't your best friend in Magic: the Gathering -- but one of the nice things about EDH is that it allows some flexibility in the quality of cards you want to play. I've played and watched a lot of Hearthstone this year, and it's really interesting to see how that game makes RNG (random number generator, A.K.A. randomness) feel exciting and fun. Coin flipping and random selection in paper Magic is a little more of a chore, but I think there's still some fun to be had in gambling with cards like Fossil Find. And the real reason this card caught my eye is for playing with Wort, the Raidmother, whose ability obviously raises the power level of the card significantly. Still, it could be good in the early game when you only have a few cards in your graveyard, and costing one mana makes it pretty reasonable in my mind.

See you tomorrow, technicians!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Angel of Finality

I've played this in: Lavinia of the Tenth (of course)

Well, it's finals week for me, so I looked for cards with Final in the name and Angel of Finality is a pretty sweet one that I've actually played before! To be honest, I try and avoid Commander-specific cards like the plague because I think most of the designs are kind of ham-fisted and they don't really speak to me - but this angel is pretty nice. Maybe worth noting that she doesn't interact well with her sister Restoration Angel due to the creature type. Still, it's a solid flying body with a very relevant effect for EDH, and I like it.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Hindering Light

I've played this in: Lavinia of the Tenth, Daxos of Meletis

Hindering Light is not so much about the card itself, but the family of cards it represents. We're talking Rebuff the Wicked, Turn Aside, Intervene, Confound -- and while you're not going to play all of them in a deck, one or two can really turn the tide of battle. Unfortunately, EDH has a plethora of board sweepers as well, which circumvent these protective measures entirely. Still, especially if you're playing kind of a voltron style, an efficient counterspell can be the difference between a victory and a loss.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I'll be back on Monday with another fresh, hot Magic card!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Feed the Pack

I've played this in: Vhati il-Dal

Sometimes, you just need to get HUGE. I think I first saw Feed the Pack in my friend Bryce's Jund chaos deck (with Xira Arien at the helm), with the dream being to sacrifice a Furyborn Hellkite. I've since adopted it in my MTGO deck, trying to sacrifice my old pal Moldgraf Monstrosity -- we started playing during Innistrad if you couldn't tell -- and it's been surprisingly good. Sometimes your opponents will have the sweeper, but sometimes they just won't have an answer to an enormous pack of wolves, and you'll be able to give said pack three square meals.

I've also been slowly brewing a Princess Mononoke theme deck with Tolsimir Wolfblood for a while, and it would be nice to sacrifice a Woolly Razorback to Feed the Pack. Okay, that's enough for today.