Thursday, November 12, 2015

Flamecast Wheel

I've played this in: Theros limited? Maybe?

Sorry, this isn't a real suggestion as much as it is an excuse to tell you about the dream I had last night. In this dream, I snuck into a Taylor Swift concert and edited her big speech to talk about using Flamecast Wheel as a Trinket Mage target instead of, you know, whatever her speech was about. I was actually thinking about running this card the other day, which I'm sure prompted the dream, but Flamecast Wheel is just a couple mana too expensive to be useful (though I am always looking for cards that can kill Prophet of Kruphix). Compare to Brittle Effigy.

"Cool Trinket Mage targets" is an entire article in itself, so I'll leave it at this for today. Thanks for reading!


  1. Good dream. T.Swift probably loves them value Flame-Wheels

    1. I've been trying to think of a T.Swift song lyric to make a Flamecast Wheel joke about for 2 days and I'm still drawing a blank
